Elevate Your Space with Ultimate Luxury Premium LVT Flooring for Timeless Elegance

Our Premium Line offers superior durability, intricate designs, and the highest quality materials, ensuring your home exudes sophistication and long-lasting beauty.

100% Waterproof, SPC stands for Stone Polymer Composite, a premium type of LVT that is composed of limestone and plastic stabilizers. The results is a thin yet very dense core, making it extremely resilient and with endless options of patterns, colours and grains.

ELM Shadow LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)

ELM Natural LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)

ELM Linen LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)

ELM Artic LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)

ELM Amber LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)

ELM Smoke LVT (Click System)

$73.00 $58.99
  • 9"x60" (Box of 6 pc)
SPC is a Stone Polymer Composite made up of a precise extruded rigid core, acoustic backing (optional), and a top wear layer and UV protection.

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Our vinyl floorings are constructed with the patented Click tongue and groove design that locks the planks together to form a tight and durable joint that limits moisture from passing through the seams, can be installed over most floor surfaces, and suitable for both residential and light commercial interior applications. To assure satisfactory installation, please read all instructions before installing. 


• Make sure the sub-floor is flat, clean and dry. Any uneven areas greater than (3/16” inch in 10’ feet) or (1/8” inch in 6’ feet) must be leveled with leveling compound.
• The installation area is guaranteed as required with a maximum length and width of 10m (about 33”), in case it exceeds 10m, it is advisable to create a gap and use T- molding to separate the areas.
• Interior use only in a climate-controlled environment, not to be exposed to direct sunlight.
• DO NOT use separate (additional) underlayment for pre-attached vinyl planks.
• DO NOT install planks over floors that are sloped for drainage.
• Residential and light commercial applications.
• NOT for use on ramps.
• Installation direction: It is recommended to install the length of the boards parallel to the main light direction.


Acclimate vinyl planks at least 48 hours to room temperature (60° - 85°F) and relative humidity (air) between 30% - 55%. 

• Use humidifier to maintain relative humidity if needed. Avoid installation under very dry/ humid conditions, it is best to install when conditions are about the same as it will be most of the year.
• DO NOT stack higher than ten cartons and DO NOT stack anything on top of uninstalled Rigid Core Planks. DO NOT store the cartons directly on concrete, allow for air circulation.
• Always carefully check flooring materials for any defects. Contact your supplier immediately if any defect is found.
• Open several cartons and mix planks together to ensure a natural pattern upon installation.
• Install all cabinets prior to installing flooring materials (DO NOT install cabinets on top of the vinyl floor).
• Remove all furniture from the room, as well as existing quarter round, baseboard molding or cove base.
• Inspect subfloor structure to be dry, clean, solid and flat. Any adhesive residue must be removed to ensure proper installation.
• Undercut doorway moldings to be the thickness of the flooring. Check that the doors can still open and close after the floor and underlayment are installed (minimum +1cm (3/8’’).
• DO NOT install vinyl planks over soft subfloors (carpet, old floating floors, etc) or potential for flooding/ humid areas.
• Apply a 6 mils polyethylene moisture barrier before installation

PRO TIP: Purchase an additional 5% of flooring to allow for cuts and an additional 10% to 15% if installing diagonally. Excess flooring should be stored flat in a climate-controlled area for repairs in the event of future damage.

Carpenter square, utility knife, tape measure, pencil, long straight edge, chalk line, safety glasses, tapping block, pull bar.

Concrete Subfloors: Planks can be installed over concrete. Make sure moisture vapor emissions does not exceed 5 lbs./24 hour per 1,000 sq. when tested with the Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Test in accordance with ASTM F 1869 or 85% RH in accordance with ASTM F 2170 “Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Slabs using in situ Probes. Level uneven areas greater than 3/16” in a 10 foots. Holes and cracks in the cement must be patched, and expansion joints must be filled with a latex patching compound. Newly poured concrete floors must cure for a minimum of 90 days. Please note it is the person installing the floor and/or the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure a smooth substrate and that any moisture or alkalinity issues are resolved prior to installing the floor. Once installed, it becomes the installer’s responsibility. 

Wood subfloor: Must be solid, firm, flat and with no movement at all. Sand down high spots. Firmly fasten all loose boards and fill all gaps before installation. 

Radiant Heat Subfloors: Rigid Core Planks can be installed over in-floor radiant heating systems provided the subfloor surface does not exceed 85°F (29.44°C) at any point. The initial floor temperature should not exceed 70°F (21.11°C) for 48 hours prior, during, and after installation. Thereafter the temperature should be gradually increased to the desired setting up to 85°F (29.44°C). Because heat does affect plastic more than wood, you may need additional room for expansion (larger expansion gap) and contraction (wider base to allow for contraction) Radiant heating systems that are installed directly on top of the subfloor surface are not recommended. 


1. Begin installation parallel to the long dimension of the room, preferably parallel with the light sources (windows & doors).

Snap a chalk line at the starting point to maintain alignment. Use planks mixed in from four or five cartons to achieve the ideal random pattern.
2. Install planks from the left side of the starting wall and work to the right side. If starting with a full width plank, the tongue must be removed.
3. Put the plank with the saw off sides against the walls. Put spacers from the installation kit between the planks and the wall, in the perimeter of the rooms. 
Ensure that your expansion joint is wide enough: 10 to 12mm.
4. of the planks in the first row are assembled by inserting the tongue side into the groove side of the previous plank at a low 20-30° degree angle (make sure the tongue is completely inside the groove, otherwise it could break the click). Gradually lower the plank down flat, applying pressure inward and downward clicking and locking the end of the new plank into the end of the existing plank until the end joint closes. A very gentil tapping block and pull bar can also be used to lock the joints together while the planks are in a flat position. Use a series of light taps until the joint is gradually locked together. Strong taps can break the click. 5. In places where it is too difficult to install with the tapping block (against the wall), you can use the pull bar and a hammer.
6. Pipe: When fitting around door trim it will be necessary to slide the plank under the trim. This can be accomplished easily by starting the row on the side of the room with the door trim and then sliding the plank into place once it is attached. The row can be completed by inserting the tongue onto the groove or the groove under the tongue depending on the direction. A tapping block and pull bar can also be used to lock the joints together while the planks are in a flat position. Use a series of light taps until the joint is gradually locked together.
7. Under doorframes: When sawing the panels, ensure the expansion joint under the door at least 10mm (3/8’’). If you cannot lift the panel, use an adapted tapping block or pull bar and hammer to tap the panels together with the planks flat on the floor.
• After the planks have been installed, remove spacers from perimeter of room. 
• Protect all exposed edges of the flooring by installing wall molding and/or transition strips. 
• Pre-drill and install quarter round or baseboard molding (Fasten into the wall, NOT through flooring). 
• Place the felt pads under the legs of furniture. 
• Post installation temperature MUST be maintained between 60° - 85° F; relative humidity between 40% and 70%. 
• Protect the finished installed flooring from exposure to direct sunlight, or tiles may expand or shift.
• Use neutral PH cleaning products, do not use harsh cleaners like bleach or Solvents.